Section: New Results

Language-Parametric Formal Methods

The HoMade assembly language is still evolving. Thus, our research in formal methods for programming languages kept the language-parametric nature that we decided upon when we started the project. The techniques and tools developed here will be instantiated on the HoMade assembly when it stabilizes. Our results are also applicable to general programming languages in order to target a broader audience.

In 2015 we have consolidated the results obtained in previous years, by making them more generally available and publishing them in high-end venues.

Language Definitions as Rewrite Theories

In [9] we study the foundations of 𝕂, a formal framework for defining operational semantics of programming languages. The 𝕂-Maude compiler translates 𝕂 language definitions to Maude rewrite theories. The compiler enables program execution by using the Maude rewrite engine with the compiled definitions, and program analysis by using various Maude analysis tools. 𝕂 supports symbolic execution in Maude by means of an automatic transformation of language definitions. The transformed definition is called the symbolic extension of the original definition. In this paper we investigate the theoretical relationship between 𝕂 language definitions and their Maude translations, between symbolic extensions of 𝕂 definitions and their Maude translations, and how the relationship between 𝕂 definitions and their symbolic extensions is reflected on their respective representations in Maude. In particular, the results show how analysis performed with Maude tools can be formally lifted up to the original language definitions.

A Generic Framework for Symbolic Execution: Theory and Applications

In [10] , [17] we propose a language-independent symbolic execution framework. The approach is parameterised by a language definition, which consists of a signature for the language's syntax and execution infrastructure, a model interpreting the signature, and rewrite rules for the language's operational semantics. Then, symbolic execution amounts to computing symbolic paths using a derivative operation. We prove that the symbolic execution thus defined has the properties naturally expected from it, meaning that the feasible symbolic executions of a program and the concrete executions of the same program mutually simulate each other. We also show how a coinduction-based extension of symbolic execution can be used for the deductive verification of programs. We show how the proposed symbolic-execution approach, and the coinductive verification technique based on it, can be seamlessly implemented in language definition frameworks based on rewriting such as the 𝕂 framework. A prototype implementation of our approach has been developed in 𝕂. We illustrate it on the symbolic analysis and deductive verification of nontrivial programs.

Symbolic Execution by Language Transformation

In [2] we propose a language-independent symbolic execution framework for languages endowed with a formal operational semantics based on term rewriting. Starting from a given definition of a language, a new language definition is generated, with the same syntax as the original one, but whose semantical rules are transformed in order to rewrite over logical formulas denoting possibly infinite sets of program states. Then, the symbolic execution of concrete programs is, by definition, the execution of the same programs with the symbolic semantics. We prove that the symbolic execution thus defined has the properties naturally expected from it (with respect to concrete program execution). A prototype implementation of our approach was developed in the K Framework. We demonstrate the tool's genericity by instantiating it on several languages, and illustrate it on the reachability analysis and model checking of several programs.

Program Equivalence by Circular Reasoning

In [7] we propose a logic and a deductive system for stating and automatically proving the equivalence of programs written in languages having a rewriting-based operational semantics. The chosen equivalence is parametric in a so-called observation relation, and it says that two programs satisfying the observation relation will inevitably be, in the future, in the observation relation again. This notion of equivalence generalises several well-known equivalences and is appropriate for deterministic (or, at least, for confluent) programs. The deductive system is circular in nature and is proved sound and weakly complete; together, these results say that, when it terminates, our system correctly solves the given program-equivalence problem. We show that our approach is suitable for proving equivalence for terminating and non-terminating programs as well as for concrete and symbolic programs. The latter are programs in which some statements or expressions are symbolic variables. By proving the equivalence between symbolic programs, one proves the equivalence of (infinitely) many concrete programs obtained by replacing the variables by concrete statements or expressions. The approach is illustrated by proving program equivalence in two languages from different programming paradigms. The examples in the paper, as well as other examples, can be checked using an online tool.

Verifying Reachability-Logic Properties on Rewriting-Logic Specifications

Rewriting Logic is a simply, flexible, and powerful framework for specifying and analysing concurrent systems. Reachability Logic is a recently introduced formalism, which is currently used for defining the operational semantics of programming languages and for stating properties about program executions. Reachability Logic has its roots in a wider-spectrum framework, namely, in Rewriting Logic Semantics. In the invited paper [10] we show how Reachability Logic can be adapted for stating properties of transition systems described by Rewriting-Logic specifications. We propose a procedure for verifying Rewriting-Logic specifications against Reachability-Logic properties. We prove the soundness of the procedure and illustrate it by verifying a communication protocol specified in Maude.

A Theoretical Foundation for Programming Languages Aggregation

This work was published as [11] . Programming languages should be formally specified in order to reason about programs written in them. We show that, given two formally specified programming languages, it is possible to construct the formal semantics of an aggregated language, in which programs consist of pairs of programs from the initial languages. The construction is based on algebraic techniques and it can be used to reduce relational properties (such as equivalence of programs) to reachability properties (in the aggregated language).